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Dee Rogers


Beware getting involved with this agency. Do not be lured - the lack of professionalism, response, and quality of service and guidance will make you wish you listened to my review. They promise a lot and deliver little, then blame it on the culture and others within country.

Lynn Ambedian


Sima Tours provided a wonderful tour experience for my group of travellers. Everything was top-notch (accommodations, meals, tours...) and we loved our driver and tour guide. And dealing with Sima Tours before the trip and making arrangements was all on such a personal level that it was easy to forget that this is a business. I hope to travel with them again some time.

Mari Sargsyan


Firstly i want to note that the staff was realy great, but the reason I gave the company 4 not a 5 was because we had to constantly ask for the details. The trip was great! All of the tour guides and drivers that our travel company arranged were great and knowledgeable and punctual. The one problem we had was there seemed to be a communication problem at times explaining what we wanted.

Privacy Please


Been on 2 Sima Tours. Couldn't be happier. Drivers and guides have been amazing. Learned and saw so much. We all had a blast. The prices were excellent Looking forward to the next tour with Sima!

Lev Barnett


Absolutely a horrid experience - the tour guide if you want to call her that, doesn't speak English - or speaks English to the standards of the local culture. The 8 day/9 night tour was rather overpriced and the vehicle used was run down - broke down 4 times the second day; had to wait about 3 hours to get a taxi; the meals that were "included" in the price wouldn't feed my 4 years old. Just a terrible experience. I would NEVER EVER consider Sima Tours!